Hey friends! It is so good to chat with all of you again. I can’t wait to share some of my news about essential oils with you! But first I wanted to share about our crazy summer and fall! We have had a great summer here with camping, a trip to Yellowstone and lots of swimming. It has also been a fantastic fall, one of the most beautiful I have ever seen! We have been busy homeschooling, riding and going to a horse shows and living life as it comes! Which is quite fast sometimes.
Exciting News!
The exciting news I want to share with you is that I am working towards selling a new brand of Essential Oils! I LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOVE them! lol Can I say that any clearer! 🙂
I have sold doTERRA for a while and I really like their product, but cost has become an issue for me (due to lots of horse events) and I have been looking for something better… or at least the same quality that I love about them but with lower prices. I have tried a couple other brands that left me feeling sad I spent the money. Well, I found an incredible company that I can truly get behind!!! Butterfly Express!

Butterfly Express oils have been incredible and my husband will use them first before doTERRA and he was never sold on the whole oil thing because they didn’t seem to work on him like they did for me… He is now becoming a believer! Yay!
What do I love most their essential oils???
Thanks for asking 😉 let me tell you!
- All of their products are either organic or wild grown… love that!
- All their products are made to a therapeutic grade! Nothing watered down here.
- Their products are much less expensive than doTERRA or Young Living! (both good companies by the way)
- They are not a Network Marketing (or MLM) company. You don’t have to sign up to buy!
- Their customer service is incredible.
- The information about the oils and their benefits available to their customers is extensive.
- They do a lot of free classes online and on FB live.
- Their shipping is much faster and much cheaper. You can actually get free shipping depending on purchase amount.
- They sell herbs, tinctures, hydrosols, minerals, waters, supplements, salves and so much more!
- I can choose to be come an affiliate (referral) partner or become a distributer of their products!
In a future post I would love to chat with you more about the bullet points above… get more specific. What do you want to know more about?
Essential Oil Referral Partner
I have chosen for now to be a referral partner with Butterfly Express. So anytime you click on a link that is talking about essential oils and you make a purchase from that link click, I get a small commission for advertising for them. I am using that fee to save up to become a distributer (I can’t wait!!!!)! It will take a while to get there, but with all of your help, I know it will go fast!
Check out this months specials!

Thanks for listening! If you have any questions about a specific oil, a kit or just about essential oils in general, please let me know! I would really love to help you however I can!
Which special do you want!? There are more specials too… click the link to see them all! Butterfly Express Specials
It’s November – Gratitude is the reason for the season! Who or what are you grateful for?
I am thankful for my husband!