I am so excited! I have been pretty busy just being a mom and working with the ministry I am deeply involved with. What a blessing to be part of those things even if they have kept me from writing. Please forgive that. Though I think a lot of you mom’s (especially homeschool moms) understand. Being a mom comes first and sometimes we just have to take a break and live and take care of yourself. I have had a few medical issues and life issues I needed to be worked out! Look what happens when you take time to wait on God and do what He says to do. You end up writing your speaking profile and it is now being handed out at ministry classes. EEP! lol
Now, I get the privilege to wait and see what God does. Notice I said “Get To!” I said it because it is a privilege to wait on Him to see what He is going to do! My goodness He is such a good God. That just bounces out of me and I feel as if I want to shout it from the the roof tops! The ministry I have been working with for several years (Aurora Worldwide International) is growing by leaps and bounds and I can’t wait to see what happens.
Pray for the Broken-Hearted
There are so many people hurting in this world, and not just physically, many are just plain broken-hearted. Would you take a minute to pray for them? Some of them even look like they have it all together. Let’s face it, this world is hard and without Jesus, it is near impossible. But HE is pursuing each one of us and with His help my friends, We Will BE Overcomers!
I love all of you and hope to see you all again soon! I will be writing again briefly here and there, as I hear from God. He is changing my life and how it looks, so we will see what happens.
Speaking Profile
My Speaking Profile is below. God passionately and relentlessly pursues each one of us… yes, even YOU! I see you, the one who says, “Yes, He does, all except for me of course. He is too busy for me.” Nope, even you. See, He will even leave the others to come after you most of all. Why? He loves you and wants to help you, simple as that. Never forget His relentless pursuit of you. He Loves You!
Blessings to all of you! Pursue Him as He pursues YOU!!!