Welcome my new friends! This is such an exciting day for me! This is my first blog post on my new website. YAY!!!
Now, it may not be where I want it to be yet, but indeed it will get there. Please forgive me as I go through changes over the next month or two. I promise it will be worth the construction in the end. 🙂
If you haven’t done so yet, please subscribe to my blog over on the right hand side. I will be sending out newsletters periodically and eventually I will have some great giveaways!
If you are wondering what I will be writing about, that will be the same for the most part if you followed me over here from Moments of Unveiled Grace. I will be sharing with you about my faith, my family and our homeschooling adventures of a singleton. I will be sharing my organizing information too as I go since that is part of my family life. I am always trying to figure out the best way to stay organized 😉 Aren’t we all!
Please follow me on social media too! All my information will be in the graphic for you to find.
Thanks you and Blessings!