Yep… I dare you! I dare you to fall madly in love with Jesus! There are so many ways to fall in love with Him and it will be different for everyone. Loving Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit is a very personal thing and I know that I have much to learn in this area. That need to learn is the reason that I have been searching to see what works best for me which has lead me to wonder if you need to learn what works best for you too. Have you figured out what works for you yet? If so please share!! If not, let me share with you my three favorite ways of connecting with Jesus that have helped me fall madly in love with Him.
Oh my sister’s, Jesus desires to spend time with you! Deep meaningful time! Will you hear his call? Will you spend time with him?
Bible Study
My goodness, we get so busy in life that we don’t spend any time in the Word learning who He is, digging deeper for things we have never seen before. Or is that just me? Ladies, Jesus calls to us and beckons us to reach out and spend time with Him. He isn’t an unknown god, or an unsearchable god. He isn’t hidden without a way to see who He really is. He is right here waiting for us to open His book and dig deep, to sit quietly and talk to Him, and to close our mouths and listen. 😉 Yes, that is hard for me too!
There are many study tools out there to help us go deeper and to dig into God’s Word. One simple way is to purchase a Bible study to do on your own or to join a Bible study group with your church, some friends in a small group or online. (Hint-I have an online group if you want to join 😉 )
Finding a good Bible study like those written by Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Francis Chan and many others give you wonderful insight and help you learn how to dig for those morsels for yourself as well. I have been in many of these studies with my church and they are a wonderful way enjoy fellowship with other women and still learn about the Lord, falling in love with Him more and more each week.
If you can’t make it each week to a Bible study at your church there are some online studies you can do that are wonderful. As I said above, I have a group doing an online Beth Moore study right now called “Entrusted” and it has been an amazing study with lots of meat and eye opening moments. You are more than welcome to join us. It is a great group of women on Facebook putting Jesus first. The great thing is that you can join in however you feel you are able. We have many women who are not doing the book-work but joining in the discussions anyway. We have others that are watching the video then others doing it all. Come join us, we would love to have you! You can find us on Facebook at Grace For My Journey Bible Studies and More.
On Sunday November 27th, we will be doing an advent study that goes through December 24th. It is a free study so you do not need to have any money to join in. It is meant to be a lighter study because we all have crazy schedules this time of year. Even though things are busy, it is a great study to keep our eyes and our hearts fully fixed on Jesus. I hope you join us!
Devotional Studies
Devotional studies are shorter studies than regular Bible studies and I think they are great for someone new to studying the Bible or someone who doesn’t have a lot of time yet they do not lack meat. One of the devotional studies I love to use is by Illustrated Faith! They have many different topics to choose from and there is sure to be one that is perfect for you. I love getting one each month so I always have something when I need Jesus time. Now what I love about these kits is they come not only with the devotional study guide, but I love that it comes with something fun that most women love… crafty stuff! YEP, beautiful crafty stuff! Think scrap-booking meets Bible study! Yay!
In a kit you get the devotional notebook (one that would fit into a travelers notebook), an ink pad, stamps, washi tape and little cards and clips for decoration (items vary). What fun is that?!!! You get to learn about our King Jesus and you get to be creative too! You will be decorating your devotional and it becomes something beautiful and precious. And because you got to be creative while spending time with our amazing Creator, something deeper happens and you share those intimate moments together. Those moments spent creating are moments spent with Him, trying to connect in a way that isn’t the norm. It is fulfilling though. See, our God is a creator and He loves seeing creativity in each one of us. He created us to be creative! You know… like in His image! 😉

Journaling Bibles
This is a relatively new thing and it has been hard for me to jump on board. I am not super creative and I didn’t want to just draw all over everything. I still want to read what I write. By the way, that is a totally personal thing and should not make anyone feel bad for doing what makes me feel uncomfortable. There is freedom in Christ! 😉
My Bibles are precious to me and yes I write in them. But I never cover up the words. When I was looking up Bible journaling on Pinterest it was incredible to see all the beautiful pages that I found. But I began to feel inadequate about my drawing skills… and I tend to have way too much to say. So I had to get over that bit of fear, the fear that I would not do as good of a job as everyone else and that what I did was going to look terrible. I feared I would disappoint God! But once you cast out fear it’s a great way to spend time with God. I just decided to talk to Him about my fears… He had a lot to say back 🙂 Imagine!
So for me I get to write and be creative in my Bible. God giving us the creativity to emphasizes how beautiful the Word really is, is a wonderful gift. You will have to see how the Lord leads you to do this. Everyone is led to do it in a different way.
He is calling you to share an experience with Him. He is so personal, so loving and so genuine. Can you hear His call in creation? In His creation? In yours? Below is a great simple video of Bible journaling. I would check on Pinterest and Youtube to find some other great ways to do it. You won’t regret it!
What do you do to fall madly in love with Jesus?
What I have shared are just some simple ways I like to use to grow closer to our Lord Jesus. There are so many ways to draw closer to God, what do you do to grow closer to Him? I really want to hear what you have to share.
Remember, Jesus loves you, He wants to be close to you, closer than you can imagine. You are adored by Him and He is calling you. Will you hear Him? I implore you, go meet with Him. Enjoy your time with Him because He so loves you!
I Love you too my friends!!