Good Friday is definitely good. I am truly grateful for Christ and His sacrifice that He made for me and everyone who accepts Him. Last night was a great time at church and I was proud to be part of a church that honored Him in such a great way.
I took my daughter with me to church and since daddy couldn’t be with us I brought a notebook for her to draw in so I could listen without a lot of interruptions. She is eight after all and sometimes grown-up sermons just don’t excite an eight-year-old like they do me. 🙂 So after all the music was done and we sat down to listen to Pastor Jon speak on Good Friday. I handed Muppin the notebook and pen and she went to town. However, not in the way I expected.
After a few minutes I looked down to see what she was so intently drawing and was shocked to find no pictures at all, but diligent writing that was flowing out of her little fingers as fast as she could. She was taking notes! Sermon notes! I could tell she was a bit frustrated and I told her it was ok to draw if she wanted and her response was this, “I want to take notes mommy, I love what He is talking about but I can’t spell fast enough to keep up!” So I told her forget the spelling, just write what you want as fast as you can and we will correct it later when she wants to rewrite it. My heart jumped for joy because of her love of the Lord.
Here are her notes, uncorrected…
so please have grace for an eight year old 😉

She had several points she wrote down that were great, but page two sums it up for us all in a super simple but perfect way. I will translate 😉
“We can be ok because Jesus died for our sins, our sin wouldn’t be healed without the cross.”
Is there any more pure truth than that? Thank you Jesus for dieing on the cross for each of us, and for giving my daughter such a love for you that it gives me more faith every single day.
Bless each of you today! Easter is coming!! And He is Risen!!!!
As I was in a line the other day a little boy was questioning his father about the miracle of Good Friday. It was an awesome conversation in its simplicity and wonder. The gifts are so great for us when we reach for them with the tender simplicity of a child.
Thank you and your daughter for such an inspirational post.
I love their simplicity! We over complicate things all the time! Thanks for stopping by and for the great comments! Blessings!