Oh my goodness, life is good! Yet Busy!!!! I have been crazy busy with back-to-school, vacation and my new online Bible study that I am organizing! I have no idea how time flew so fast but it did so now I am here to introduce you all to the NEW online Bible study, “Entrusted” by Beth Moore! It starts this weekend, but there is still time to join us here —> Grace For My Journey, Bible Studies and More
Why I started this group?
I am in a crazy part of life called parenting! Have you been there? It is wonderful and busy and happy and sad and just full of … well … LIFE! I have gone to Bible studies for years and I have organized them and helped to run them as well. But with my daughter’s activities and teaching school and everything else life has to offer I find that going every week is just too difficult. Bible study night is always on the same night that my daughter has her stuff on.
But…. I didn’t want to give up my study time. I love my Bible study time! Bible studies help to keep me accountable and they keep me in the word in a way I don’t normal chose to be.
So, I scratched my head and thought a minute… or two… oh heck, a whole lot more than that! Let’s just say a LOT. I finally decided that what God was calling me to do was to lead Bible studies online. My mouth gaped open wide and my head spun a bit but after I was done foaming at the mouth I decided He was right. Isn’t He always!?
So, instead of walking away from what God wanted me to do I am forging forward headfirst. Obedience…. not always my strong point. I am a girl who likes to do things her own way but, I am learning. Old dogs can learn new tricks, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! 😉
Let’s get down to business!
This group is already shaping up to be wonderful, the ladies are incredible! In it we will have 3 to 5 Bibles studies per year depending on how long they are and depending on life events. I am a homeschool mom and my daughter competes with horses and has other activities, so there will be times where we will take a short break from studies for one reason or another.
More than just a Bible study group!
But this group isn’t just for Bible studies, it is also a place to fellowship, share our joys and our burdens and to pray with one another! Nothing brings joy to the Lord more than His kids joining together for a common goal of getting to know Him better and loving Him and His kids better. Join us!
How will you run the Bible study?
Our first study is pretty straight forward. You will have videos to watch, homework to do and I will do a FB live each week to talk about the video. Finally you will participate in the posts each week for the Bible study in the group. Here is a breakdown of how things will go.
Where to get the book & videos?
You can purchase the book on Lifeway’s website here —> Entrusted Study Guide
You can purchase the videos on lifeway’s website here —> Entrusted Videos
You can purchase the scripture cards on lifeway’s website here —> Entrusted Scripture Cards
How I organize myself?
I love that I can get my book organized for the study. For me it makes things easier and I like easy! First I get my study guide and this time I got my scripture cards spiral bound. Check out the pictures below. Then I put tabs on the first pages of the new sections so it is easier for me to find what I am looking for. I also use two different colors in my book. One color to fill in the blanks from the study, the other color for what I get from God through out the study either from videos or from each chapter’s questions that I answer. To me it is clearer and easier to see.
Come join us!
Now that you have seen all there is to see about the Bible study! Don’t hesitate! Come join us today! We Are Better Together!