Both of these pictures are taken from my back porch. The top one taken only moments before the bottom one. One with oranges and one with purples! Each absolutely beautiful in their own way. God is the true Master Creator!
Do you see Him that way?
Fix your eyes on Him, because though there is so much in the world we do not understand, He has shown us through His creation that He is good and He is still working today. He wants to work in your life just the same way He works in the beauty of His creation!
Do you believe He does?
You are a creation more beautiful than all the beautiful sunsets you could imagine. You were created in His image! You were created for greatness… to be loved… to be cherished… to be fought for. Jesus fought for you! He died for you. Finally, He rose from the dead for you… He did all this so that you could live with HIM forever, because He loved you more than all the other things he had created. He wants to be with you every single day.
The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection. ~Michelangelo (We can only aspire to that kind of greatness, beautiful photo’s and perception! ~M)
Thanks so much! I love that quote!
I’m looking out my porch at a rain soaked, still Sandified back yard and it is still a miracle. God loves variety.
Yes He does and I love His creativity!!!
My husband and I were just commenting this morning all the beauty that God provides us everyday in the flowers and birds, etc. Lovely pictures
It is amazing isn’t it! Thanks for coming by!
This is absolutely gorgeous! It’s amazing and breath-taking how wonderful our God is
It is isn’t it Michelle! Thanks for coming by!