One of the things I love about my private Facebook group is that we get to do some great things. This month we are doing 31 Days of Praying for Our Families (you can still join us here). We have really enjoyed some Bible studies too and I am excited to announce that we will start a new study, Esther, on March 20th. Come join us and invite your friends! Invite your friends!!!
Who is Esther?
The book of Esther is no doubt about Queen Esther. It is the story of the beautiful Jewish woman Esther (originally named Hadassah), who is chosen as queen by the Persian King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I or II) after his first wife, Vashti is banished because of great insult and embarrassment to the king. It is the story of her bravery, going to the throne room at the threat of death to ask for the lives of her people, the Jews. Up to this point, no one knows she is a Jew and announcing so puts her life at great risk. Come find out with us what happens and how God uses this tale to tell us all how grace is shown to us as we enter into the Thrown Room of Heaven!
Where to Get the Study Book
I purchased my study book from Amazon last week and it is absolutely beautiful! I also purchased one for 12 year old daughter and she is already in love and can’t wait. It will be a great experience studying this book together with her.
In the back of the book you can find worksheets for Character Analysis and places to write out where in Esther it discusses Provision, Providence and Protection.
There are study questions to answer in each section about the daily reading. Also, you will find there are “Did You Know” facts each day along with a “Chapter Recap.” Finally, there is a “My thoughts on this chapter” section. Amongst all of this there are some beautiful coloring pages with scripture.
For me it will be a treasured keepsake and it is only $8.99. It will be a beautiful keepsake of our time in Esther.

Tools to Dig Deeper
Some of us love to dig deeper and have the time to do so, here are some great tools to help you go deeper in your study! Have fun checking them out!
Matthew Henry’s Commentary
Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary of the Whole Bible
Online Study Resources
Bible Gateway – Amplified Bible
Learn More About the Author of this Study
To find out more about the study, get free study pages on March 13th and learn more about the amazing author, go to The Time Warp Wife’s website. Thank you Darlene Schacht for creating such beautiful Bible studies and prayer journals!
How to Join Us!
Come on over to our group on Facebook, Grace For My Journey. Ask to join and I will approve you as soon as I can. Right now we are also running our 31 days of praying for our families. You are welcome to join us right now for that as well! I hope to see you there soon!