New Year, New Beginnings!
Hello friends! It is a New Year & New Beginnings are just around the corner! How has your New Years been? I am excited for what this new year is bringing us and I am sure is more grand than our hearts or minds can comprehend!
New Spaces, New Beginnings!
My back hurts right now because I have been sick and even though I have been sick I have been decluttering my office space (a tiny little corner in our living room, it is amazing how much accumulates in a small space)!! I decided to get my act together and joined the STEP Mastery Program (Steps to Everyday Productivity) – by April & Eric Perry at Their website is great and you will love everything about them once you are there. Take a look at my crazy desk! Embarrassing I know!

After a couple of days of watching short videos, learning some great stuff and getting some good information and tools I set off to clear my landing space. Not easy when my desk is used for blogging, social media, writing, work I do for a ministry, and all the homeschooling stuff I do. It is just a little 3 foot folding table with a dinner tray and small bookshelf. If I am not on top of it, it is terrible before I am done. So now that you have seen the before up above, check out the after!

Doesn’t it look much better? I am now ready to start over. I know you can see this little box of stuff under the table; lots of papers I know. That is my recycle from the bookshelf! WOW! So that will be emptied soon. I am ready for my New Beginnings!
New Bible study for the New Year!
What I am more excited about though is our new Bible study. I have decided to go with something easier for a while and we are going to do the Good Morning Girls new Bible study called “1 Samuel”. I believe God wants us to dig down deep right into His Word and to hear what HE has to say to us and our relationship with Him. This study will do that.
What you will learn?
Some of the key elements of this chapter are:
- The Sovereignty of God
- God does not choose who He uses based on appearances
- Obedience is better than sacrifice
- The Example of the friendship of Jonathan and David
- The Courage of David Against the Giant
We all have giants in our lives, more now than ever for some of us… but when we get these concepts deep into our hearts I believe God will truly bless us!
“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty.”
Who will join me and my daughter for this study? It will start on Monday January 9th, and yes you can join us late! And yes, my 12 year old is doing it too! Bring your kids along with you to do it. If you have sons or a husband then you can have them join in as well because they have a version for the guys too. It is super inexpensive and something easy to commit to.
How to buy the books.
To buy the book go to Amazon to get it:
For the Ladies:
The Book of 1 Samuel Journal: One Chapter A Day
For the Gentlemen:
The Book of 1 Samuel {For Guys}: One Chapter A Day
If you want to join my private Facebook group to be part of this Bible study and be able to join other women in discussion then come on over to Grace For My Journey, Bible Studies and More, We would love to have you! Blessings ladies! Let’s run headlong into the Father’s arms!!!
Join my Group!
That is all I am going to share for now, but I do have some other things going on in our world and they are wonderful and difficult and exciting and challenging. Look for another post on those items very shortly. In the mean time, join us!
What do you want?
I would love to hear from you. I can only post once or twice a month right now due to many things going on in our lives and all the changes taking place. My number one priority it my family. That is my husband and my daughter who I homeschool. Life got so busy I was neglecting them and that is never God’s plan. So I stepped back and now He has brought me here.
So, with my limited time online, what would you love to learn or hear about most. Drop me a message right here and I would love to talk to you about that. Come join me in my Bible study, maybe even join me over at because I would love to get to know you better!