I don’t know if you have ever done a Beth Moore study before but they are a wealth of information and knowledge. I love a lot of ladies that create and teach about the Bible but I always get excited over Beth Moore. Maybe it is her contagious love for the Lord, I am not sure, but she makes me want to give God my all! I am so excited to talk to you about Beth’s new study coming out September 1st called “Entrusted, A Study of 2 Timothy.” I love the book of 2 Timothy and studying this book is sure to have some eye opening moments. I have not seen the whole study yet but have gotten to see bits and pieces and it is sure to be a study that challenges your walk and urges you forward.
Go into all the world!
God has called us to share His gospel with others and to make disciples. As Beth says, “God is looking to raise up mighty servants He can loose all over the globe with the gospel of Jesus.” You are His mighty servant and He is seeking YOU! Are you up for the call? Do you know that He has more for you than sitting and listening to others speak and preach? He wants you to be His mighty servant, His hands and His feet! Will you?
This study calls you to guard what He has entrusted to you, your gifts and knowledge, and to go out and share Christ so that others can become disciples and pass that on to the next generation. This is by no means an easy task and we need each other to make it happen, to keep each other on the straight and narrow path. This study is sure to be a tool to help you to do that! You have been entrusted, and you can do it!
Milk, Meat & Potatoes!
This study is a lot like the James: Mercy Triumphs Bible study by Beth that I loved. The study is designed for those that needs some milk for nourishment for now and for those that need to start devouring some meat and potatoes. What I mean is this, no matter where you are on your walk there is something for you. If you are a mom with kids on your hip, or a caregiver or working more than you care to, there is an easier plan for you, but one that you will still receive great nourishment from. If you need something deeper, it has that too. Check this video out to find out more.
As you can see, there are 5 different levels you can choose from.
- Sessions only ~ You can just watch the sessions and fill out the blanks in your notebook.
- Homework ~ You can add all the homework to your list and do as much as you can.
- Hand write the word ~ Yes, there will be an area for you to write out the Word of God! I did this with the James study and it truly blessed me.
- Read articles by Melissa ~ Melissa will be giving us more history and info that is fun to dig into, 2 articles per week.
- Memorize 2 Timothy ~ YES! I don’t memorize easily, but this would certainly be an amazing challenge.
Will you be joining a Bible study?
Are you doing the Entrusted Bible study? I would love to know if you are. Check with your church and see if they are doing the Entrusted study. If not you can download the sessions to do yourself, or you can download the sessions to view as a group and start your own Bible study group with some ladies.
Join me!
If you are not going to be able to join any studies with other women in your area I would love to do it together? I have started a group to do this Bible study together online. Go to my Facebook group called Grace For My Journey, Bible studies and More and join us!
Remember, He has a purpose, are you willing to follow?
You can buy the study at LifeWay.com/Entrusted along with many other study tools to help you during the Bible study.
Scripture Memorization
Check out Beth’s video on scripture memorization.
I did not receive this Bible study for review but love her studies and wish to share her exciting new study with you.
What to look for in the future:
I will be sharing a review on the audio drama “Under Drake’s Flag” by GA Henty next Wednesday! We are listening to it right now and I am excited to share what I have learned.
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3 ways to make sure you are cultivating a relationship with God.
You Are the Passion of His Relentless Pursuit