The Agenda

Most of us spend our lives in this country free.  Of course we have jobs to go to, commitments we need to adhere to and there is always someone to answer to.  But for the most part we live life in the “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.”

My question for you though is, are you really free?  I know most of us have been brave because of the way this world is today you have to be. There is murder, rape, abuse, slavery, drug abuse, hatred, and war.  There are lairs, thieves, adulterers, gossipers and those that just care nothing of anyone else unless it fits into their agenda.  Of course the agenda.  Whose? The world’s!  If you aren’t busy and aren’t making sure every moment is filled to the brim, there is something wrong with you.  The world makes sure you are so busy that you stop hearing that voice inside of you that screams RUN! Run away, hide… rest in Me! So on some level we all have to be brave.

But freedom, that is another question.  Am I free?  In my country I am free.  In my home I am free.  In Christ I am free.  In my mind however, I am a slave to fear and worry and the agenda… whether the world’s or my own.

We spend so much of our time worrying about what might happen that we never let ourselves rest long enough to hear how He wants to help us.  We are bound by our own prison walls. Does He want us to pack our bags, pick up and run away leaving everyone behind?  For most of us no, He wants us to run to our prayer closets and hide there resting in Him!  We hear things from every side of us.  Newspapers (mostly online now 😉 ), television, the internet, phones, iPads and people all around jockey for position to tell us what we should think, believe, and do.  It is simply overwhelming.

He wants our lives to be so much simpler, so much more peaceful, without a lot of other voices in our heads that want nothing more than to knock us down so they can be elevated and made king of our lives.

The picture above is perfect because it shows simply what I want to do most days.  I want to pack my bags and leave now, leave to a simpler life, one of joy and peace.  Some days I never want to see another living soul and others I know I would die without those I love.  But always I am wanting something simpler.  Sometimes I wonder if the Amish have it right and the rest of us have lost our minds, though deep down I know that just because their lives are lived differently, they have the same demand on their lives from their community that would threaten to drown out the voice of God.

As I sit here and pour my thoughts out onto this page God speaks to me and calms my heart.  He tells me not to leave as the man in the above picture… with his suitcase in hand.  But to run to Him with nothing in hand!  He wants me to let the Holy Spirit provide for my every need and and for me to let Him comfort me.  Jesus already paved the way for me, all I have to do is accept His road and let the Holy Spirit do all the work that I seem to get frustrated with.

What a gift the Holy Spirit is, the Comforter, the Helper, the Healer!  I am so blessed and most of the time I do not see it, do not feel it, and do not even want to recognize it.  But today I do.  And today I run helplessly into the hands of the Holy Spirit and let Him decide what I do next and let Him worry about how it will get done.  Today  I will just keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and that is all I have to do.  That is freedom, simply and fully.

Are you free?  Or are you still bound?

The above was written as part of the Free Write Friday prompt by Kellie Elmore.  Click on the picture below to be part of it too!  Blessings!

13 thoughts on “The Agenda

  1. i heard a wonderful piece of wisdom- nothing that keeps you up at night ever happens. The big scary things that do happen are surprises. God is always there to help then so really why worry.
    Harder to do than to say.

  2. Ah, peaceful thoughts and a lot of wisdom. I am glad your faith is such a source of healing for you. I think you’re absolutely right, that Jesus wants us to be happier and less hectic. I wish more people on the freeway realized this.

  3. A stanza from one of my favorite songs comes to mind:
    Turn your eyes upon Jesus
    Look full in His wonderful face
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
    In the light of His glory and grace

  4. Carrie, I admire your faith and your courage to share it in a world that is so angry and unbelieving. You are so special and you inspire me. For a moment, I remember that feeling, that peace you speak of and I am inspired and long for it again. But then, as I slip back into the world, it dissipates. It seems so hard to cling to. I really should visit here everyday. Your blog is like a devotional. Thank you again.

    1. Thank you so much Kellie, that means more than you know. My dream is to write a devotional but my self doubt clouds the way. I also have to continue to point myself to Jesus because stepping into the world causes me to feel that peace less too. It is a daily battle to point myself towards Him and not let the sound of the world take over.

      Thank you for your wonderful words and for helping me realize some things about myself. God bless! You are always in my prayers!

  5. God Bless you, Carri! These words are so timely right now. It’s easy to get caught up in what we should be doing based on the world’s standards – be here, do this, ugh! In the end, God wants us to live on His Agenda. Yielding to His will and way. Listening to that calm, stilling voice that instructs us to reach out a helping hand or say a silent prayer. Or that sometimes not-so-gentle nudge to take a stand when it might not be the most popular thing to do. Again, thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you to pen these thoughts and words. Have a wonderful week!!!

  6. Thank you so much Michelle! You are so kind and I thank you for that. I write what I write to remind myself, because I often wait until the not-so-gentle nudge before I do what He asks! I am trying to stop doing that! lol Thanks for coming by! God Bless.

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